Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Girl's Night Out!

Hey everyone,

For those of you who do not plan to partake in the paintball expedition on Wednesday, Aug 24th, the rest of us* are meeting at Dan's house at 7:45pm to watch a chick flick. I am picking up "The Wedding Date" and "First Daughter". We will be having munchies and stuff, and it will be lots of fun, so hope to see you there. Any questions, you can call me at work on Wednesday at 459-4643.


*rest of us who are GALS! Hence Girls night out!


Chelsey Lee said...

sure was funn!! haha.. who ever went paint balling instead of the girls night out is surly stupid.. serously whats the funn In getting hit with paint balls. really. haha.. yeah.

Anonymous said...

ha...did you know you could write your name there instead? Nifty lil feature. Yes girls night out was amazing! lol Lisa it did too have a horn!!! and the itching powder..hehe... Yah.

Anonymous said...

Having our handy dandy servant was awesome too... lol