Hey guys, just spreading the word to you.... word!. Because next week Dan and Darrell will be travelling to Deer Island for Camp (where you should be) there will be many cancellations happening. The usual happenings of Monday consisting of "The X" and "Macaroni Monday" itself will not be happening on July 23rd. Also while they are away, it would be difficult to do Hockey Night In Burtt's Corner, especially because of the lacking in attendance. Therefore if you attend Hockey Night In Burtt's Corner on Tuesdays, it is cancelled on July 24th.
After this week, we will return to our usual weekly meetings and as far as I know, that will be the end of the cancellations, as this camp will mark the end of Camp seasons for the summer. To those who are going to camp, hope you have lots of fun. Camp is a great experience, enjoy every moment. Those who are'nt going, maybe you can still go if you try hard to arrange something, but if not... I Strongly encourage you to attend next year, its a blast! I guarantee that.
God Bless! See you all soon!