Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Hey guys, I bet you are totally pumped to be done school for another year. Well so am I! Because that means you guys can come visit me. (Your voices: "Hey we should go visit Dan" "Yeah, lets bring him cake and money")

I have a new office in the new church basement so come around to the back door and see if my truck is there and even if it isn't I might still be in there! So come see me and we'll chat and stuff. Hurry up... I'll be waiting and working!

P.S. The first person to comment on this post will win a prize.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Congratulations Are in Order!

Well I am so sorry I couldn't make it but I heard that all those crowned in the Miss Keswick Valley Pagent were from the "X"!!! That is awesome. Erin D was crowned Miss Friendship. Chelsey P was crowned Second Princess. Lisa H was crowned First Princess. And finally Ashlee A was crowned Miss Keswick Valley!

Congratulations girls.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Regular Youth Group

Just to let anyone who actually reads this thing on a semi-regular basis that tonight we are going to have regular youth group... for tonight. Then it will be a little different again for a while but it will still be awesome as always!

Tonight I will be here. Then I am gone for a little while (2 weeks). During this time Darrell "I Eat Kids Like You For Breakfast" Haines will be leading the "X" so give him the respect he deserves. On another quick and exciting note, summer youth group starts soon so make sure you tell everyone of the excitement that is the "X"!!!!! and tell them to check the blog too.

See you tonight

By reading this you contractually agree to buy Dan an expensive gift and bring it to him tonight.